January 07, 2007

A walk on the beach, Tankerton, 2 CV

My toys: Cam 1.5

Since the fork was out I used the chanced to play with some graphics.
Next job on that will be some pinstriping to blend it better.

A walk on the beach, Tankerton

My Toys: MTB Cam 1.5

Now here a short review on what I have done over the holidays to improve this Mountain Bike.
Modifications on the fork:
In order to make the fork softer and also lighter I cut away all unnecessary screwmounts, excess steel and carefully thinned out material thickness
I then used spray filler and the finish was made with matt white spray filler.

January 03, 2007

Beta Alp 2T

Beta ALP 2T 260ccm Luftgekühlt
Sie suchen ein Motorrad das (fast) alles kann?
Zustand 1-
vollumfänglich trialtauglich
82 kg
2-Mann Strassenzulassung
TÜV neu
grosser KD neu
neue Kunstoffteile
neuer Hinterreiffen
div. Neuteile
neue Rechnungen über ca. € 1020,-